Thursday, April 30, 2009

What A Difference A Month Makes...

What a difference a month makes in the gardening world. Even though the weather has not been cooperating with our plans, we have been making progress. The second photo is our little cabbage and broccoli plants that we transplanted into our brand new garden beds. I meant to take the photo before I started adding the mulch so that you could see the plants better (by the way, we are using dehydrated alfalfa horse hay for mulch). The first photo is what we had four short weeks later. Working in the garden day in and day out you don't notice the changes as much as is evident in my photos which I can track by date. Wow, what a difference a month makes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Now That Bush Is GONE...

Now that Bush is GONE....

I can go back to taking my customary "state line photo". Whenever I enter the state of Texas I like to take a photo of the "State of Texas" sign. Last weekend was the first time since January 20, 2009 that I'd driven into the state of Texas. I was thrilled to see that they promptly removed the sign that had been attached to the State of Texas sign. For the past eight years the sign at the state line said: Home of President George W. Bush.

For the past eight years I didn't stop to take a photo, but yesterday I was able to pull off the highway and take my "state line photo". As you know, my blog is not politically oriented but I couldn't resist the chance to post my photo of the "State of Texas" sign now that they've removed the part about Bush.

As we all know, he IS NOT REALLY a Texan, we just had the misfortune to get stuck with him !!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our First Greenhouse

Since we move here in 2003 we've wanted to build a greenhouse to help facilitate our gardening endeavors but as you all know so well, time, energy and money always seem to play a factor in our progress. We decided that we should have a "practice greenhouse" before we make the decision to build a "real greenhouse". We bought a reasonably priced greenhouse kit as a compromise. The kit came with a gazillion little pieces but it was reasonable easy to assemble within a few hours. Next we made greenhouse tables from 1 x 6 x 6 lumber.

So far we just love it. Every year the farm supply stores put out the veggie plants way too early for the season. If we buy them early, they are in terrible shape by time they've spent weeks indoors without enough sunshine. If we wait to buy them when the garden and the weather are both ready to plant them, then the selection is very poor. We moved a number of our house plants in the greenhoue right away. Also it gives us a place to set up seed trays to germinate our own veggie plants from seeds, as well as giving the seedlings a good start before they are ready for transplanting. Like I said so far, we just love it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Out Of Hibernation







Out of Hibernation seemed like a good title for this blog post. It has been soooo long since I've posted anything but here it goes..... The winter months are not my favorite and our life is so much harder during the winter. Around our place, My Honey and I have a lot going on. Cutting, hauling, splitting and stacking firewood is a big chore. Everything to do for the animals is more difficult during cold weather. Busting ice off the water troughs is a common practice. Although I'm not complaining about our hardships, I am soooo relieved that SPRING HAS ARRIVED..... I thought I'd post a few photos to show what we were up to for the months that I didn't go to the library to have computer access.