Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Catfish Dinner

A few days ago, I'd gone off to town to do my weekly errands. I called My Honey and told him that I was bringing catfish home for dinner. I asked him to get the 4-wheeler out, hook up the 4-wheeler trailer and meet me at the front gate.

Much to his delight, I was bringing home catfish and we would be serving dinner. Catfish food for the 100 new baby catfish would be served in all three of our ponds where we put the 6 to 8 inch Channel Catfish. We had meant to stock the pond with catfish long before now, but as usual something else came up to delay that project. I just happened to be at the Farmer's Co-operative on the right day, at the right time when the fish truck was there. For once I was in the right place at the right time. My Honey was a very happy man !

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