Friday, April 25, 2008

"Our Little Piece of Heaven"

I live in a rural area with "My Honey" (which is how I refer to my husband, since I had always considered marriage a four-letter word). We are living our dream of having a piece of land and lots of animals. I wake up everyday thankful for another day and wouldn't trade my life for any other.

When we were looking for property to buy, we had many conditions to meet. We started looking at land in one state and ended up in another state. Other than the obvious requirement of price range, there was a lot of other criteria to be met.

"Our place" had to be at least 50 miles from a freeway and at least 25 miles from a Walmart. (We didn't want to be crowded.) "Our place" had to be on a dirt road. "Our place" had to have property boundaries adjoining federal land. (We don't want to be crowded in the future.) "Our place" had to have at least some open pasture area and some fencing for us to be able to move our horses there immediately. "Our place" had to be the last place that we would ever have to move to for the rest of our lives.

We said that if we could figure out a way to get 100 acres of land that would fit into our budget and our dreams that we would be willing to live in a tent. Fortunately, we did find "our place" which included an old farm house. It's not fancy. It is liveable and it does have potential. Someday when we get everything outside fixed up just like we want, then and only then will we use our limited budget to remodel the house... Like we said, "Who needs a stinking palace, if we have our own kingdom. ha! (We still haven't figured out how to build a alligator filled moat around the whole 132 acres, lol.)

We've built a 100' x 100' enclosure for our goats. We've built a hen house and a chicken pen. We've started a large vegetable garden. We've started a small (10 fruit tree) orchard with apple, peach, pear and plum trees. We've been remodeling a large old wooden cattle barn into a ten stall horse barn. We've built new fencing around the entire barn yard area, as well as a "blind horse habitat" (which is a long story, better saved for another day). We've planted over 30 rose bushes as well as a multitude of other flowers, bushes and trees. We have acquired "bee boxes" and plan to become beekeepers, which is good for the environment, plus we luv fresh, raw honey.

When I say WE, I mean My Honey & I, without any paid help or any unpaid help for that matter. We are quite a team. One of us has the majority of skills and one of us has the majority of the ideas, but let's not go into which is which. Fortunately both of us are very hard workers, which helps since we work, and work and work on "our place", often from sun-up to sun-down. Around the ranch there is enough work for the two of us for approximately ten life times.

I've joked that if someone else suddenly woke up today living "our life" at "our place" that they would think that they were being punished for "some forgotten sin" from their past.

To us this lifestyle is not our punishment. We consider ourselves lucky to have our own little piece of Heaven on Earth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really want a big ol' chunk of land and a bunch of animals. You're so lucky!