Back when he was born in 1953, the world was a different place. He was born in an era when family roles were more defined. Men had their place and women has theirs. However, he believes in equal rights for all people. He does not live his life by the typical double standard. Born and raised in a major metropolitan area, with a loving family, he learned from a early age to take responsibility. His mission in life has been to take care of his family and through his profession, to take care of his community. He has been a professional Fire Fighter for the past twenty-eight years. He has protected lives and property for more than a quarter of a century now. Other than being a Fire Fighter, he has played many roles in his life. He has been a son, brother, and a father. He has dedicated his life to others. Now he's my husband and I refer to him as my Most Unexpected Blessing. We met at a kid's birthday party ten years ago. He said that the sound of my voice made him turn his head. For that moment, I count my lucky stars.
My honey is an extraordinary man. He is a man of honor, bravery and compassion. He lives a life of dedication and devotion. Recently we found a letter that I'd written to him about three months into our relationship. I'd listed over fifty of his good qualities which endeared him to me. Nine years later, re-reading that list it occurred to me that every quality I'd listed was still true about him. Over the years, I've found out that those fifty qualities were just a few of the things that make him a truly good man. Back then I thought that he was TOO good to be true. He's changed my life in ways that I could never have predicted. He has taught me to believe in forever. In the above photo, when he was a baby, he was held up to the sky for all of the world to see. Now he stands on his own two feet, always ready to reach out his hand to help anyone in need. I'm proud to be living my life together with this noble man. I know that many people say that good men are an endangered species but they are not extinct by any means. He is the living proof of that fact. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY HONEY !!!!
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