Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Unexpected March Snowfall

This photo is of one of our peach trees with snow on the peach blossoms. This unexpected snowfall on March 7, 2008 caught us off guard. I do not remember having snow so late in the season. Our fruit trees were already blooming out and were somewhat damaged but hopefully we will have some fruit to harvest later this year. Because of this crazy weather we are behind schedule with our gardening. In case I haven't mentioned it, we are ORGANIC gardeners and refuse to use chemicals. We are experimenting with homemade, natural insect repellents. I have had success making fire ants move out of the garden beds with a mixture of non-toxic soap, garlic and ground cayenne pepper.

This past week, the weather has cooperated with our plans for a change. Finally, we have the garden up and going. So far we have planted tomatoes, chile peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes, corn, eggplant, lettuce, a wide variety of other salad greens, zucchini, yellow squash, cilantro and strawberries. We are also growing sage, arugula, oregano, lavender, thyme and chives. We still have much more planting to do but with storms moving in to our area again, it will have to wait, again.

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